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Teton County

Teton County includes the Jackson and Blackrock Ranger Districts. The National Elk Refuge and Grand Teton National Park are also in this area, adjacent to the BTNF.

Teton County

Things to do on the BTNF in Teton County:

  1. See the remains of a massive landslide at the Gros Ventre Geological Site. On June 23, 1925 one of the largest, fastest-moving landslides in the world happened in this part of the BTNF. In just three minutes, 50 million cubic yards—enough to cover the entirety of Washington D.C. six inches deep—of rock, soil, and other debris slid down from an altitude of 9,000 feet. The Gros Ventre Slide dammed the Gros Ventre River and created a five-mile long lake, Slide Lake. Although the natural dam was breached in 1927, flooding the community of Kelly and killing six people, Slide Lake still exists today, as does the scar where Sheep Mountain collapsed.
  2. Go fly-fishing on the Buffalo Fork of the Snake River.
  3. Explore the 600-some miles of the Continental Divide Snowmobile Trail system (which also extends into the Pinedale Ranger District).
  4. Visit the Teton Wilderness, which makes up more than 80 percent of the Blackrock Ranger District, and is considered to be one of the best places in the country for multi-day horse-packing trips.
  5. Practice proper food storage; grizzly bears are common in the Blackrock Ranger District and increasingly also in the Jackson Ranger District.
  6. The curious can marvel at the existence of Two Ocean Pass and the Parting of the Waters a National Natural Landmark in the Teton Wilderness. Adventurers can book a multi-day hiking or horseback riding trip to the spot—about 20 miles from the Turpin Meadow Trailhead—where water has an equal chance of ending in the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans.
  7. The Thorofare/Yellowstone confluence area within the Teton Wilderness is the most remote place in the Lower 48 states in terms of distance from a road. Access to the Thorofare is from Turpin Meadow Trailhead on BTNF via North Fork Buffalo Trail and from the Shoshone National Forest via the South Fork Shoshone going over either Ishawooa Pass or Deer Creek Pass.

Contact Info

Jackson Ranger District

25 Rosencrans Lane
Jackson, WY 83001
Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday


Blackrock Ranger District

Hwy 26/287
Moran, WY 83013
Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday

Meet our Ambassadors Working in Teton County

Gene Palos

Gene Palos

Retired from the San Diego Sheriff’s Department after 34 years, Gene Palos is the Blackrock District Wildlife Ambassador, a position that is instrumental in keeping wildlife and humans around Togwotee Pass safe. “I felt being a wildlife ambassador would be a great fit for me, as I do love the outdoors and especially bears and wildlife!” Gene says.

The Blackrock Ranger District Wildlife Ambassador’s primary responsibilities are working to help control and educate the public about the grizzlies that can frequently be seen from U.S. Highway 26 as it travels through the northern district of the BTNF. The bears in this area include grizzly bear 863 (aka Felicia) and any cubs she might have. Not surprisingly, roadside grizzlies often cause bear jams and can  inspire behavior dangerous to both people and the bears. “There is no doubt our ability to maintain safety for bears and people reached a level that we could not have dreamed of without these Ambassadors,” says wildlife biologist Jason Wilmot of Blackrock and Jackson Ranger Districts. “We continue to receive kudos and praise from multiple agencies and individuals for the presence, actions, and professionalism of our Ambassadors.” Gene says, “What a better way to preserve our great outdoors and wildlife with the Friends of the Bridger-Teton family?”


Jules Butler & Chris MacMillan

Jules Butler & Chris MacMillan

Jules Butler and her husband Chris MacMillan are Campground Ambassadors at Curtis Canyon. Jules, a native of Connecticut, moved to Jackson Hole in 2014 (after 20 years of being an annual visitor.) MacMillan started visiting Jackson Hole while in utero—his family has ties to Dubois, Wyoming going back three generations—and finally moved to the valley (from Illinois) about 30 years ago. Unlike many Ambassadors, Jules and Chris are not retired. Jules is a writer and editor—she edits an area visitor guide, Jackson Hole Traveler, and, in 2022, published a book of essays about her experiences as a BTNF Ambassador, Cowboys and Campers: Tales from a Bridger-Teton National Forest Camping Ambassador. Chris is a master finish carpenter, and works building, remodeling, and renovating homes throughout Jackson Hole. They enjoy exploring miles upon miles of the Bridger Teton National Forest—throughout the Jackson, Blackrock, and Greys River ranger districts in Jules’ Jeep Wrangler. “I am thrilled to serve the BTNF as an Ambassador,” Jules says. “Educating the public on the proper ways to extinguish campfires and employ safe food storage and answering questions on wildlife and the Teton area is a most rewarding summer experience.” Chris says, “I wanted to become an Ambassador to better enjoy nature and help educate campers/visitors on how to camp responsibly and protect this valuable resource.”

In 2022, Jules and Chris got married on the BTNF.

Randy Roberts

Randy Roberts

BTNF Trail Ambassador Randy Roberts moved to Jackson in 1977 and taught elementary school for 30 years. He was a founding board member of Friends of Pathways, a nonprofit that is now one of our many partners, and served as its president for many terms. It was during Randy’s time as Friends of Pathway’s president that the organization developed most of the 50+ miles of separated paved pathway system that exists today. Also during Randy’s terms as president the nonprofit began to collaborate with the BTNF about trail development and work. Randy has more than 40 years of exploring and adventuring on the BTNF. “The Bridger-Teton has given me thousands of unbelievably awesome experiences, both winter and summer and I care deeply about ensuring that it is a place for everyone to enjoy as much as I have,” he says. “As a Trail Ambassador I have a direct role in educating forest users about good stewardship and recreating responsibly—which gives everyone an opportunity to experience the same stoke!”

Christopher & Liz Pipes

Christopher & Liz Pipes

Christopher and Liz Pipes were Campground Ambassadors on Shadow Mountain for several seasons. When they weren’t helping the BTNF,  the fourth generation Floridians traveled the country camping and RVing. They’ve been married for more than 45 years and, since they retired from working as an executive at luxury resort hotels (Chris) and as a mental health therapist (Liz), they’ve reported on their travel adventures and experiences via a blog. “We’ve camped for over 45 years and love the forest—to now act in a caregiver/taker role has been very rewarding,” Chris says of his time as an Ambassador. “Do I need to mention the fly fishing is awesome?!” Liz says, “I’ve always loved the outdoors—camping, hiking, kayaking, the flora and fauna, animals in the wild, storms rolling across the sky. It just doesn’t get any better!” About being a BNTF Campground Ambassador she says, “To be Host/Ambassadors in the Tetons was a dream come true! It was an honor and privilege to care for the Bridger-Teton Forest.”

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We still have our work cut out for us. But with friends like you, dozens of incredible non-profit partners, and a shoulder-to-shoulder partnership with the Bridger- Teton National Forest, we're optimistic about what we can do together.

Teton County News

We acknowledge with respect that our facilities are situated on the aboriginal land of the Shoshone Bannock. Eastern Shoshone. Northern Arapaho. Crow. Assiniboine. Sioux. Gros Ventre. Nez Perce.

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