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Support the volunteers who maintain these trails: Star Valley Ranch Trail Crew!

The Star Valley Ranch Trail Crew is an all Volunteer organization dedicated to improving recreational trails on the Bridger-Teton National Forest and within our community. Our organization started work in 2015 and continues to grow and expand as we start our 10th year of operations. We currently have 87 volunteers who donate 1500 hours annually to build and maintain 12.5 miles of trail and 7 trailheads. Our crews work tirelessly to remove downed trees, add water bars for erosion control, brush, and limb to widen trail access, and improve trail/trailhead signage. In addition, we partner with AllTrails to help verify and improve the information provided on the App for the trails we maintain. Enjoy your hike!

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Use hashtag #bffofthebtnf

@bridgertetonfriends First off—if you participated in this, please don't play. If you didn't participate, submit a guess about what you think is happening in this photo in the comments by 1/24/25 to be eligible to win a FBT NOSO patch. Several winners will be selected. Photo Jared Smith #bridgertetonnationalforest #bridgertetonfriends #publiclands #wyomingwinter #nationalforest #responsiblerecreation #recreateresponsibly Professional snowmobiler Robb Hoff is a Best Friend of the BTNF by following snowmobiling rules and respecting wildlife. Read more in this week's JH Daily. #BFFOFTHEBTNF #bridgertetonnationalforest #bridgertetonfriends #publiclands #nationalforest #responsiblerecreation #recreateresponsibly #visitjacksonhole @visitjacksonhole #knowbeforeyougo #winterresponsibly The iPhone IOS 18 update that allows all new iPhones to text 911 via satellite is amazing. So far this winter, Teton County Search & Rescue has been alerted four times via Apple iPhone’s new satellite SOS function. To help rescue teams if you use this feature during a backcountry emergency, @tetoncountySAR put together information about best practices: When texting 911 via satellite with your iPhone, please include the following in your SOS text: * The nature of the emergency and the number of people in the party; * The type of activity (snowmobile, ski, hunting); * Anything SAR should know, like previous medical history, allergies, area hazards; * Watch for additional questions/instructions from the 911 Dispatch Center. Apple also encourages iPhone users to set up a Medical ID and emergency contacts that would be included in a SOS text message. This PSA is not intended to shame or cast judgment on anyone—we empathize with all those who go through the complicated stress and confusion of an emergency—only to provide useful information regarding a new technology that can help serve our backcountry community. Image and text via @tetoncountysar #SOStext #tetoncountysar #bridgertetonnationalforest #bridgertetonfriends #winterrepsonsibly #responsiblerecreation It's not too late to register! #pinedaleSTAmpede #bridgertetonnationalforest #bridgertetonfriends #sublettetrailsassociation #nordicskirace #wyomingwinter #sublettecounty Mark Gocke is the new Public Affairs Specialist for the BTNF, but also a trained wildlife biologist. He has been taking cameras into the field for more than 30 years. His images of wildlife in and around Jackson Hole are featured in a photo essay in this winter's issue of Jackson Hole magazine. We're excited to see what he does with his cameras on the BTNF! All photos by @markgocke #wyomingwildlife #wildlifephotography #bridgertetonnationalforest #bridgertetonfriends #jacksonholemag @jacksonholemag

We acknowledge with respect that our facilities are situated on the aboriginal land of the Shoshone Bannock. Eastern Shoshone. Northern Arapaho. Crow. Assiniboine. Sioux. Gros Ventre. Nez Perce.

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